Broadoak Independent Funeral Service
We will always provide you with a full estimate and explanation of expenses at our first meeting. This plan is designed to assist families in keeping the cost down whilst still providing a personal, dignified funeral service.
Start from £2665.00
We pride ourselves on providing a caring and compassionate service and are dedicated to making arrangements which are unique to each family.
The Children’s Funeral Fund for England (CFF) provide funding for the fees charged for a cremation or burial of a child under the age of 18 or stillborn after the 24th week of pregnancy.
Here you can find information regarding local church prices including St Marys, St Peters and more.
We will always provide you with a full estimate and explanation of expenses at our first meeting. This plan is designed to assist families in keeping the cost down whilst still providing a personal, dignified funeral service.
We pride ourselves on providing a caring and com- passionate service and are dedicated to making arrangements which are unique to each family.
The Children’s Funeral Fund for England (CFF) provide funding for the fees charged for a cremation or burial of a child under the age of 18 or stillborn after the 24th week of pregnancy.
Prices charged by crematoria within a 30 minute cortege journey of Broadoak Funeral Service. Other crematoria are available.
Here you con find information regarding cemetery prices including Woodlands and St Marys.
The ultimate owners and shareholders of this business are F,M & J Evans, DM Hall
We make gratuity payments to the following: None
We make charitable payments to the following: None
We have no business or financial interest in a price comparison website which compares Funeral Director Services and/or Crematoria Services and their respective prices.
Other third-party payments, not related to a cost incurred or a service provided to us by the third party on behalf of or to us: None
Our services are available at any time, day or night and you will always speak to a member of our Broadoak funeral service staff.
Our staff are here to help and assist you under the personal direction of our qualified funeral directors.